Yesterday's Scarf fiasco, and the fact that I got no knitting done at play practice, has moved me into full panic mode. So here's a list of the knitting left to be done.
- Nikki's Irish Hiking Scarf (1/5 of the way done, that was it yesterday).
- Dad's Double Knit Scarf (Was cast on in September, has around 5 inches done)
- Ms. Bayles Scarf (1/6th of the way done, but it's a simple moss stitch).
- Matt's We Call Them Pirates Hat (1/6th of the way done).
- Allie's Afghan (Needs about 5 more hours work, will hopefully be done today).
- Becky's Skydiver Shaw (A little over 1/2 done).
- Peresie's Socks and Bag (I finished one sock decided it was the Satan's socks larger brother (way too big) Need to rip out and restart both projects, Also need to pick out a final pattern for the bag).
- Mini Sock Ornaments for people I like that I can't afford the stress of knitting a big gift for (Will start on the 17th)
Things I have done:
- Hat for Emily
- Hat for Rae
- Hat for Aunt Chris (Already gave it to her)
- Hat and Eyemask for Trotter
- Hat for Grandma
- Tessa's Hat (She already got it)
One of these lists is much longer that the other. I thought I had done so well (I did start thinking about this in August).
Alright now to make the goals for this week.
Today: Finish Allie's Afghan
This Week: Finish Matt's hat and Peresie's bag.
Next Week: Knit Peresie's socks (I see her on the 16th, she's first priority). Work on the Irish Hiking Scarf to get it to halfway. Start some of the mini stockings (15 total)
I haven't resorted to counting the knitting hours left, but I'm on the edge.